Friday, 24 December 2010


Gaze with intent at the London skyline, sublime.
Hazed with the fervent aura of the denizens of my time.
Scurrying beneath the cascade of inummerable lights.
Hurrying to beat the rush hour and the encroachment of night.
Dusk is descending upon this menagerie of diversity.
Performing their daily rituals, withstanding monotony, adversity.
Cursory peek at the inhabitants they walk amongst in their trance.
Faceless suits, who if they cared to take more than a glance.
Would realise that this anonymous suit has a face.
The same one they skulk past each day, this very time, this very place.
Each gazing at the pavement beneath them as the capital passes them by.
Content and intent to get home to their lives.
If they stopped for a mere moment to notice the ecclecticity all around.
They would appreciate the cosmopolitanism this city abounds.
The array of lives, characters, stories a plenty.
But the passers by bear no significance, hollow shells, empty.
To all this I bear witness from my one bedroom home.
Through a picture sized window, in my kitchen alone.
I remain resigned to watching them from a distance, appalled.
For if I were to venture into their world I'd exchange pleasantries with them all.

Thursday, 23 December 2010


Awaiting the emergence of that worthwhile endeavour
A resurgence of that determination thought never to be felt again.
That pleasure, of harbouring ambition and drive
To pursue a successful path, to aspire and strive.
Latently present, never quite rising to the surface
What wonders life will bring me, I've yearned to unearth this
Clear dreams and aspiration experienced as a child
Dreams that possessed no boundries, be the next Dickens, perhaps Oscar Wilde.
Blissful naivety immersed in my imagination
"Be anything you wish to be" was my mantra, my incantation
Limitless aspirations as my mind wandered and soared
Amid the realms of prosperity, reaping countless rewards.
Dreams that fall by the wayside as you stumble through life
Bear witness to the eternal suffering and strife
That surrounds you and corrupts the innocence of childhood
An innocence dispelled with imminence, laid to rest on the pyre wood.
Become all too aware of the world's vulgarity
Begin to cast doubt as to whether these dreams can ever realise any clarity 
Occurrences beyond your control gradually dilute these dreams
As the fabric of wishes you wove as a child begins to tear at the seams.
Life appears to have hit a plateau, not moving but wading
The future you once envisaged now colourless, in the distance fading
Irrevocability you've lost the ability to aspire
With everyday that passes you begin to falter and tire.
Hoping to drift off into a slumber where these dreams are rekindled
Where that slightly torn fabric is now tightly spindled
But the realisation is that you always awake
These transparent dreams never become palpable, opaque.
But remain elusive, not conducive to the life that you lead
For the more that you dwell on them the less you take heed
Of the reality and hardships of the world in which we live
Of the necessity to laboriously work and to give.
Your all, your utmost to succeed and achieve
To take critique humbly, learn from mistakes and believe
Wake up and stop dreaming for the path before you lay steep
But you cannot begin to climb it whilst you remain languidly asleep.